Miguel Street - V. S. Naipaul

Recently read this amusing novel by the Nobel prize winner and renowned author
V.S. Naipual. Its the story of a person living at Miguel Street, a not-so-good area of the Port of the Spain. This is his first novel written around 1950's.

When you meet the characters in the story one by one, you found each of them more idiosyncratic than previous. There is Polo the carpenter who always creats the thing wit no name. Then there is Mr. Tyous hou who is honest in the nature but wants to take credits of even a small thing like guiding narrator to his house. The way he make sure that his good deads are published in the newspaper, is just too killer.
The you meet a Man-Man who is real mad. The way most of the charcters deal with their wives is cracking. In the end each character makes his own impression that touches oour heart some where.on you in a way you feel something really missing.

I found the book very similar to the Vyakti ani Valli and style to P. L. Deshpande. It makes you lough till the end but last para certainly wets your eyes.
I highly recommend this book to read.

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